Monday, January 20, 2014

Carbonated Cure

The holidays are long gone and we have finished our celebrations and returned the bar to it's normal state of being. We're working on recipes and getting ourselves organized. To break our long silence we have found a few tidbits we thought you would find interesting. 

We observed several people partaking heavily of the celebration libations and were witness to the hangovers the following day. The hangover is the body's way of saying "You over did it bozo". The dehydration, stomach irritation, drop in blood sugar, inflammatory response, poor sleep, and dilation of the blood vessels all lead to those pleasant symptoms some of us are all too familiar with - blood shot eyes, headache, irritability, nausea, dizziness, and halitosis. So what do you do when your head is throbbing and every time you breathe it smells like hot zoo garbage? "Don't come near me." Well, aside from that. "Start drinking again!" That's about as good an idea as what got you here in the first place. 

Here at the Bar we've heard all kinds of cures. The best way to get rid of a hangover is to not get one in the first place. Space each one of your drinks with a glass of water. This will slow down how much you consume and will help to keep you hydrated. If you have decided to forego prevention, you have a few options to speed up recovery. There are all kinds of suggestions like drink lots of water, take aspirin, start drinking again, eat greasy food, and so on. We suggest a big cold glass of Sprite.

Researchers in China studied 57 different beverages to see which ones would help mitigate a hangover, and Sprite was found to cause a hungover individual to feel about 65% human after consuming it. Other drinks like some herbal teas made the hangover last longer. Why does the lemon-lime goodness work? Well, chemistry. When the body breaks down the alcohol it needs something to help metabolize it. Sprite and soda water were both found to speed up the liver enzyme's process of breakdown.

So, if you must party hard and forget the water, be sure to keep some Sprite in the fridge at home.


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