Monday, August 26, 2013

Better living through chemistry

WARNING! Coarse language ahead!


Finally a use for all those chemistry classes we sat through in high school and college! Okay, okay, a use for chemistry other than blowing things up...

This lovely piece of handiwork comes to us from Brazilian designer Mayra Artez. The Periodic Table of Alcohol arranges the concoctions "based on their primary liquors, groups and proofs." To get a better look, click for the bigger version.

We can get down with most of these but there are a couple we might let unsuspecting rubes friends try first. Adios Motherfucker - the name alone makes us a little nervous. We're sure that many poor decisions have begun with the phrase "Adios Motherfucker!"  The Irish Trash Can sounds like something that really should only happen on St. Patrick's Day, and when someone talks about it the next day, everyone looks away awkwardly and mumbles... And last but not least, Shit on Grass. The rule of thumb around our house if it's called poo, looks like poo, or smells like poo, we don't put it in our mouths. 

We think we'll print a poster of this and play our own version of Russian roulette. We'll blindfold people and make them point to the poster and we'll serve the drink their finger land on. Sounds like fun right?


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