Monday, June 10, 2013

Don't walk away!!!

This is just too cool to not share. The hedonists are actually in the middle of building a portable (if by portable you mean at least 2 strong people and a dolly cart) bar with wine barrel bottom. If we had only know this would be available, we would have never made that first trip to Home Depot. The genius behind the Star Wars AT-AT bar is Colin Johnson, Vancouver artist a.k.a "woodbutcher".

The man himself standing by his creation

How cool is that? That would be awesome if it walked. We would totally be putting it on a leash and taking it to the dog park. "Oh yeah? You would take that to a dog park?" Yes, we sure would. He might not play fetch but watch this *opens up side and pours a dram*, much better trick in our opinion. 


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